Kathryn Jaderborg
November 3, 1957 - May 11, 2023
November 3, 1957 - May 11, 2023
Obituary from Legacy.com May 11, 2023
Kathy Jaderborg died peacefully surrounded by her loving family on May 11,2023. After a diagnosis of glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer with atypical survival rate of less than one year, Kathy, in true, "Kathy" form, livedfor three and one-half years, enduring the cancer while remaining true to hercharacter.
Kathryn Ann was born to Frank and Frances Jaderborg in Manhattan, KS, on November 3, 1957. As the fi rst born, with four siblings, four nieces andnephews, and a multitude of loyal friends, Kathy lived a life in service toothers with a generous and kind spirit. Her love of family and friends wasclosely followed by her life-long passion for learning and a curiosity that ledto traveling the world, reading avidly, supporting the arts, cheering theKansas City Chiefs, and appreciating nature.
Her higher education, disciplined study, and natural abilities guided hertoward a challenging and successful career. After graduating in the Top 10from Shawnee Mission West high school in 1975, Kathy attended Kansas StateUniversity. She made many of her lifelong friends in the Alpha Chi Omegasorority. And again, in true "Kathy" fashion, she graduated summa cum laudewith a 4.0 GPA in 3.5 years with a degree in Accounting. She obtained herMissouri CPA in 1980. Kathy's fi rst accounting job was as a summer intern atFarmland Industries. She worked for Arthur Anderson from 1979 to 1982, ANRFreight Systems from 1982 to 1985, after which, she served as the CFO for theReintjes Companies from 1985 through her retirement in the summer of 2017.
Kathy enjoyed volunteering. As a Bishop Sullivan Center board member, Kathy donated her fi nancial expertise, time, and support. While Kathyreceived the greatest reward by giving back to her community, many in needbenefi ted from her generosity over the years.
Travel brought opportunities for Kathy's continued quest to learn throughexploring new places and their cultures. She visited various islands in theCaribbean and many countries across the world. Some of her favoritesincluded Turks and Caicos, The Bahamas, Antigua, Italy, South Africa,Portugal, The Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, Australia, and New Zealand. Tripitineraries to explore cities in the United States sometimes included birthdayspa celebrations with LuAnn or reunions with her Alpha Chi sisters.Beginning in 1987, Kathy and her friend, Debbie, started the fun adventure ofattending Chiefs away games at every NFL stadium. They have attended agame at every stadium except Green Bay. Kathy achieved "favorite auntnamed Kathy" status by taking each of her nieces and nephews to DisneyWorld for their 5th birthdays, and then on another trip of their choosing whenthey each turned 10 years old. When pressed to pick a favorite destination,Kathy always responded, "Somewhere on a beach with friends and family."
One of Kathy's fi rst jobs at Oak Park Library sparked her life-long love ofreading. As an adult, Kathy was a member in at least one book club-sometimes two. When she facilitated discussions, her questions encouragedparticipation. Kathy found great joy in the arts. Her music backgroundincluded playing the fl ute in the SMW high school orchestra and the KSUWildcat marching band. She held season tickets to the Kansas City Symphony,the Kansas City Repertory, and the American Heartland Theaters for decades.Her love for music spanned the spectrum of genres from Country to BroadwayMusicals.
Kathy's early years were spent hanging out in the barn with her horse, BigRed, and her childhood best friend, Diane. She delighted in the animals of thewild, and grew fondest of giraffes during a South African safari. Shedemonstrated her love of animals at home by adopting several shelter dogsincluding her most recent companion, Teddy. Whether on walks around theneighborhood or at off-leash parks, Teddy proved a true best friend.
When Kathy wasn't off experiencing the grandness of life through herinterests and commitments, one would likely fi nd her gardening in herfl owerbeds, cooking dinner for her family, drinking a cold glass of iced tea onher deck in the quiet of her backyard, or napping after reading yet anotherbook. Kathy lived her life with integrity, kindness, and accountability. Due toher genuine interest in others, from all ages and walks of life, everyone Kathymet engaged with her in easy and friendly conversation. She had an immenseimpact on the lives she touched along the way. And even through the lastyears of her life, Kathy exemplifi ed grace and acceptance with humor,tolerance, and gratitude.
Kathy is survived by her parents, Frank and Fran, her sisters, Janet, Bev(Mike), Mary Jo, and her brother, Kevin (Shelley), along with her nieces,Mikala and Kristina (Levi), and her nephews, Ian (Frankie) and Aiden, and herbeloved dog, Teddy.
The Jaderborg family would like to extend a special thank you to Ginny fororganizing Kathy's lawn care crew, recreating two wedding celebrations,sharing meals and sweets with Kathy and to all her lifelong friends for comingto visit and support Kathy.
In lieu of flowers, you may send contributions in Kathy's name to: BishopSullivan Center Great Plains SPCA Mercy Focus on Haiti
To plant trees in memory, please visit the Sympathy Store.