Prairie Hills Homes

Prairie Village, Kansas

PHHA Members Documents and Information

The Board of Director's Listing

The Board of Directors for the Prairie Hills Homes Association:


Board Roster

The 2024 Directory of Prairie Hills Residents

The Directory of Members addresses/phone number/email is in PDF format.
Note: Directory is only available to PHHA members from this secure login page.



Homeowner's Service Providers

Looking for Services in Prairie Hills? The Contractors and Vendors in the list have been recommended by area residents:


Service Provider's Listing

Bylaws, Declarations, Deed Restrictions and Plat Maps of the Prairie Hills Homes Association

The original documents filed by J.C. Nichols Co. for the Prairie Hills Homes Association:



Board Meeting Minutes

The Board meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each month by Zoom. All PHHA members are welcome to attend. email for link. The minutes of the last two quarters of meetings:


Meeting Minutes

Treasurer's Financial Documents

Monthly updates to the yearly budget and monthly updates to the balance sheets:


Financial Documents

Neighborhood eNews Archives

Prairie Hills News eletters:


News eletters


Outbuildings (sheds) are prohibited by the deeds and restrictions without written consent. Complete the following form and submit to HAKC for consent.

Select Select

Outbuilding Consent Form

Block Parties

Block Parties are encouraged to as a way to "Get To Know" your neighbors. The association offers $75.00 for each block to help organize and promote the event. A block captain will be required to provide a form with the required signatures, and turn it in to the Association. The City of Prairie Village also requires a signed petition in order to close off the street. The City's petition can be used for both the PHHA and the City signatures:


PHHA Block Party Guidelines